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fltech - 富士通研究所の技術ブログ



World's Largest Scale Deep Learning on Supercomputer Fugaku Achieved World's Highest Performance

Introduction Hello. We are the five MLPerf HPC members from the ICT Systems Laboratory of Fujitsu Limited. In November 2021, at the international Supercomputing Conference (SC'21), the new supercomputer Fugaku, jointly developed by RIKEN a…


はじめに こんにちは。富士通株式会社ICTシステム研究所のMLPerf HPC五人衆です。先週、国際学会SC’21 において、理化学研究所/富士通が共同で開発した新しいスーパーコンピュータ(スパコン)「富岳」がスパコンランキングで4期連続の4冠(TOP500, HPCG, HPL…

A Deep Dive into a Deep Learning Library for the A64FX Fugaku CPU - The Development Story in the Developer's Own Words

Introduction Hello everyone. This is Kawakami from the Fujitsu Laboratories Platform Innovation project. The new Fugaku supercomputer has been delivered to Port Island located off the coast of Kobe. Developed jointly by RIKEN and Fujitsu, …